Category Archives: drugs

Why is Marijuana Banned?

 The Real Reasons Are Worse Than You Think

Across the world, increasingly more individuals are asking: Why is marijuana banned? Why are people still sent to prison for using or selling it?
The majority of us assume it’s because somebody, someplace sat down with the clinical evidence, and found out that marijuana is more harmful than other drugs we use all the time– like alcohol and cigarettes.
Someone worked it all out, for our benefit.
But when I started to go through the official archives to learn why marijuana was prohibited back in the 1930s, I found that’s not what took place.
Not at all.
In 1929, a man called Harry Anslinger was put in charge of the Department of Prohibition in Washington DC. However alcohol prohibition must been a catastrophe. Gangsters had taken over whole areas. Alcohol– controlled by crooks– had actually become much more toxic.
So alcohol prohibition swiftly ended– and Harry Anslinger hesitated. He discovered himself in charge of a big federal government department, with absolutely nothing for it to do. Up till then, he must have stated that cannabis was not a problem. It does not harm individuals, he described, and “there is no more absurd fallacy” than the concept it makes people violent.
But then– suddenly, when his department needed a new function– he revealed he had actually altered his mind.
He explained to the public which would happen if you smoked cannabis.
Initially, you will fall under “a delirious rage.” Then you will be grasped by “dreams … of a sexual character.” Then you will “lose the power of connected thought.” Lastly, you will reach the inescapable end-point: “Insanity.”.
Marijuana turns male into a wild beast. If marijuana bumped into Frankenstein’s monster on the stairs, Anslinger cautioned, the monster would drop dead of shock.
Harry Anslinger ended up being consumed with one case in certain. In Florida, a boy called Victor Lacata hacked his family to death with an axe. Anslinger stated to America: This is exactly what will happen when you smoke “the devil weed.” The case became well-known. The moms and dads of the US were frightened.
What proof did Harry Anslinger have? It ends up at this time he wrote to the 30 leading scientists on this subject, asking if marijuana was a threat, and if there must be a ban.
Twenty-nine wrote back and said this was not the case.
Anslinger selected the one scientist who stated yes, and presented him to the world. Journalism– obsessed with Victor Lacata’s axe– cheered them on.
In a panic that grasped America, marijuana was prohibited. The United States informed other nations they needed to do the exact same. Many nations said it was a dumb idea, and chose not to do it. For instance, Mexico decided their drug policy need to be run by doctors. Their medical guidance was that cannabis didn’t trigger these problems, and they chose not to ban it. The US was furious. Anslinger made them to fall into line. The Mexicans held out– till, in the end, the United States cut off the supply of all legal painkillers to Mexico. People began to pass away in agony in their medical facilities. So with regret, Mexico fired the medical professional– and released its own drug war.
However at home, concerns were being asked. A leading American medical professional called Michael Ball wrote to Harry Anslinger, puzzled. He discussed how he had used marijuana as a medical trainee, and it had actually just made him drowsy. Possibly cannabis does drive a little number of people crazy, he stated– however we need to fund some clinical studies to learn.
Anslinger wrote back firmly. “The marijuana evil can no longer be temporized with,” he explained, and he would fund no independent science. Then, or ever.
For several years, doctors kept approaching him with proof he was incorrect, and he began to snap, telling them they were “treading on harmful ground” and they need to watch their mouths.
Today, most of the world is still dealing with the restriction on marijuana that Harry Anslinger created, in the nation-wide panic that followed Victor Lacata’s killing spree.
However here’s the catch. Years later, someone went and took a look at the psychiatric report for Victor Lacata.
It turns out there’s no proof he ever used cannabis.
He had a lot of mental disorders reported in his family. They must been told a year prior to he had to be institutionalized– however they declined. His psychiatrists never even mentioned marijuana in connection to him.
So, does marijuana make individuals mad?
The former chief consultant on drugs to the British federal government, David Nutt, describes– if cannabis causes psychosis in a simple method, then it would display in a straightforward method.
When marijuana use increases, psychosis will increase. And when marijuana usage decreases psychosis will go down.
So does that take place? We have a lot of data from a lot of nations. And it turns out it doesn’t. For example, in Britain, cannabis usage has actually increased by a factor of about 40 since the 1960s. And rates of psychosis? They remained constant.
In reality, the clinical proof suggests marijuana is much safer than alcohol. Alcohol kills 40,000 individuals every year in the United States. Marijuana kills no one– although Willie Nelson states a good friend of his did once pass away when a bale of marijuana fell on his head.
This is why, in 2006, a young man in Colorado called Mason Tvert released a challenge to the then-mayor of Denver and eventual governor, John Hickenlooper. Hickenlooper owned brew-pubs offering alcohol throughout the state, and it made him rich. But he said marijuana was dangerous and needed to be banned. So Mason provided him a challenge– to a battle. You bring a dog crate of booze. I’ll bring a pack of joints. For every hit of booze you take, I’ll take a hit of marijuana. We’ll see who dies first.
It was the ultimate High noon.
Mason went on to lead the project to legislate cannabis in his state. His fellow citizens voted to do it– by 55 %. Now adults can purchase cannabis lawfully, in licensed stores, where they are taxed– and the money is utilized to build schools. After a year and a half of seeing this system in practice, public support for legalization has increased to 69 %. And even Guv Hickenlooper has actually begun calling it “common sense.”.
Oh– and Colorado hasn’t been filled with individuals hacking their households to death yet.
Isn’t it time we paid attention to the science– and lastly put away Victor Lacata’s axe?
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Am I really bipolar, or is it the result of the 1970’s?


will they turn you on lsd

While talking to my friend yesterday, we came across the recreational drug usage and its effect on our psychological state.   Can LSD cause a person to become bipolar?  Was I born this way or did I bring it on myself?    I still don’t know for sure, but here are a few things I found out.  

Dan Haupt, M.D. says this:                                                                                         It is very common for people who have used  drugs to wonder if the drugs may have caused their symptoms.

Street drugs can cause many symptoms that can be found in mental illnesses, such as hallucinations, feelings of unreality, paranoia, and both extremely high and low moods. Because of this, it can be difficult or impossible to accurately diagnose (or treat) mental illness in someone who is also using street drugs.

However, there is very little evidence to suggest that using street drugs can cause bipolar disorder in someone who would have otherwise never developed it. For example, a large percentage of Americans use or have used street drugs, and only a relatively small percentage develop bipolar disorder after such use. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for there to be an apparent association between use of street drugs and development of bipolar disorder. In this situation, most likely one of the following 3 things is happening:

  1. Pure coincidence, no causal relationship
  2. The use of street drugs was a form of self-medication in response to already developing symptoms of bipolar disorder
  3. The drugs may have caused someone who was “destined” to develop bipolar disorder to develop the illness a little sooner.

Therefore, I counsel patients not to blame their past street drug use for the development of their bipolar disorder. However, I do use their diagnosis of bipolar disorder as an opportunity to address any ongoing street drug use. In these situations, I try to impress upon patients the understanding that while some people can use street drugs and alcohol with no obvious ill effects, people with bipolar disorder are at much greater risk for suffering adverse effects from these substances.

In general, current ideas about how mental illnesses like bipolar disorder develop recognize that there are people who have a greater genetic likelihood than others to develop mental illnesses.

Well THAT sure makes me feel better?                                                                 I don’t think it’s a real disease  anyway….   Pfffffftt!