Tag Archives: NWO

The Control Matrix Scrambles To Keep The Slaves On The Plantation

By Dylan Charles

For decades now, independent journalists, researchers, thinkers and truth-seekers have been at work uncovering the ugly truth how about how our world is managed, manipulated and controlled by an unaccountable corporate and political elite.

Working to push the message into public consciousness, we’ve written countless books, bank-rolled radio, films and television programs, created organizations, newsletters and blogs, held public gatherings and rallies, and anything else possible to enlighten others with the knowledge and information being deliberately hidden from view of the mainstream.

The matrix, however, insists on driving the narrative, because, in order for the paradigm of war, debt, pollution, surveillance, and injustice to survive, we the people must be content to live our lives on their plantation of the mind. We must remain focused on their stories, distracted from our own. We must stay glued to their manufactured version of reality, so that we don’t get busy with the work of creating a new vision for ourselves.

READ: 16 Signs That You’re a Slave to the Matrix

But now the message of truth and freedom is moving into mainstream consciousness. It’s reaching critical mass, and predictably, the control matrix is scrambling to maintain its grip on reality and how we perceive the world.

It simply cannot allow us to venture out into the wilds of human imagination because if we up and walk off, then it goes the way of all empires … to the grave. All we have to do is withdraw our consent and retract our complicity, and it falls.

And so, you see, because so many of us have already shunned the corporate/state propaganda machine, and because so many of us have stepped out of Plato’s cave and have seen beyond the world of shadow fiction, the control matrix has been forced to play its predictable hand: censorship.

This is the rise of the fabled Ministry of Truth, as prophesied by George Orwell. The attempt to corral public consciousness via censorship of the Web by appointment of a ludicrously biased board of corporate and media elite. They want the ability to gaslight humanity, to make it appear as though the reality we see, feel and experience every day is unreal.

Pure lunacy. Arrogance of the highest order.

As the technocracy, or any other bureau of the control matrix, rises to battle the awakening it will be met with ever evolving and creative forms of resistance.

They may re-write Facebook algorithms so that people only see fluffy bunnies and flag-worshiping sports contests. They may call everything they don’t approve of fake news.’ They may say every dissenting voice is sponsored by Russia, or whatever other ridiculous nonsense they contrive, but they are only sabotaging themselves.

We already know the truth. Desperation is the driving force behind their new attempts at censorship.

People want to be free, they want liberty, and they want choices. It’s better for everyone that the control matrix quit pretending this is what they offer humanity. It’s better we all move forward without any illusions as to the true purpose of their mission.

Socrates undermined the legitimacy and moral authority of the state with nothing but spoken word. For ‘refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state,’ and for ‘corrupting the youth,’ he was sentenced to death.

As much as they would like us to believe otherwise, the power of awakened consciousness is far greater than even the threat of death. The human desire to be free in this material world is so strong, countless heroes and martyrs have sacrificed everything for the dream of freedom. This is why Socrates willingly drank the poison hemlock, why he carried out his own death sentence.

In a game of high strategy, forcing your opponent to reveal their hand and to play their cards is a win.

If the public no longer believes in and obeys the propaganda, the control matrix loses their authority and power. This is happening now, and while the journey might be harrowing, there simply is no return to slavery.

Read more articles by Dylan Charles.

Dylan Charles is a student and teacher of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qi Gong, a practitioner of Yoga and Taoist arts, and an activist and idealist passionately engaged in the struggle for a more sustainable and just world for future generations. He is the editor of WakingTimes.com, the proprietor of OffgridOutpost.com, a grateful father and a man who seeks to enlighten others with the power of inspiring information and action. He may be contacted at wakingtimes@gmail.com.

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This article (The Control Matrix Scrambles to Keep the Slaves on the Plantation) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Dylan Charles and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


 neil young ohio  (click to play) 

The song “Ohio” was an anthem to a generation in the 1970’s. Here’s how Neil remembers the song from liner notes of the Decade album:

“It’s still hard to believe I had to write this song. It’s ironic that I capitalized on the death of these American students. Probably the most important lesson ever learned at an American place of learning. David Crosby cried after this take.

For more on the song, the historic aftermath of its impact, and photos of the day, see Lyrics Analysis of Neil Young’s song “Ohio”.The Truth About The Kent State Massacre


Terry Norman – FBI informant/provocateur
70 Seconds Before Kent State Shootings
May 4, 1970 @ 12:24 PM
Kent State Truth Tribunal

So what really happened at Kent State over 40 years ago?

Now, newly discovered information sheds light on the awful truth of that tragic day that left 4 dead in Ohio.

To understand the events of May 4, 1970 at Kent State and the four dead in Ohio, is to understand much of what has happened in our history before, during and after.
Continue reading Ohio

NWO Dark Agenda Revealed By Artist MEAR ONE

MEAR ONE began his career in 1986 as a graffiti artist living in Los Angeles. MEAR ONE has been labeled as “The Michelangelo of Graffiti” and “The Salvador Dali of Hip-Hop.” He is considered by many to be Los Angeles’ most prolific graffiti artist because of the way he revolutionized graffiti with his fine-art realism, breaking out of traditional 2D letter forms, and using perspective to develop complex characters with dynamic backgrounds in epic scale. By the early 1990′s, he had established a large fan base through his notorious work on the streets, underground hip-hop album covers featuring his iconic imagery, and his involvement in pioneering early street wear clothing and graffiti culture. In 1993, MEAR was the first graffiti artists from Los Angeles to travel to Tokyo and paint graffiti in front of a live public audience. In the mid 90′s, hip hop imagery and cultural icons in his work were replaced with a deeper, more introspective conversation based around a politically disillusioned reality that he felt hip-hop had ceased to address. At this point he began his transition from street graffiti to canvas paintings, and began his first body of acrylic and airbrushed paintings.



Who is REALLY running this world?

images (7)In this world, esp. in the Western world of high tech and sophistication, the spirit of the time’s influence is ever toward the deification of the created – meaning man, ourselves, rather than the Creator.  When we add the constant influence of this nation’s secular liberalism flowing from every means of electronic communication, newspapers, magazines, and entertainment, plus from academia and religion, this evil deification of mankind is rapidly permeating the whole of our world.